Teaching Resources: Social Studies 10

Prescribed Learning Outcomes: Social Studies 10

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Skills and Processes of Social Studies

  • ​​A1 apply critical thinking skills, including  ​
    • questioning
    • comparing
    • summarizing
    • drawing conclusions
    • defending a position
  • A2 demonstrate effective research skills, including 
    • ​accessing information
    • assessing information
    • collecting data
    • evaluating data
    • organizing information
    • presenting information
    • citing sources

Identity, Society, and Culture: Canada from 1815 to 1914

  • B1 analyze Canadian society from 1815 to 1914 in terms of gender roles, ethnicity, daily life and the arts.

Governance: Canada from 1815 to 1914

  •  C1 demonstrate knowledge of how Confederation formed Canada as a nation.
  • C4 describe the structure and function of Canada’s federal, provincial and local governments.


Economy and Technology: Canada from 1815 to 1914

  •  D3 describe the development of British Columbia’s economy from 1815 to 1914.

Environment: Canada from 1815 to 1914

  • ​E2 analyze how geography influenced the economic development and settlement patterns in regions of Canada from 1815 to 1914.
  • E3 evaluate attitudes and practices in resource development in British Columbia from 1815 to 1914 and their impact on contemporary resource management. 
Discover Your Legislature touches on many of the themes articulated in the Social Studies 10 curriculum. Specific recognition must be made regarding the structure of British Columbia’s Legislative Assembly as well as the function of the government. The British North America Act, 1867 (and the subsequent Constitution Act, 1867) are dealt with at a thorough level for this course.
Students can also examine BC joining Confederation. The History link will allow students to research significant individuals who impacted the course of history as well as reference to the relationship with the First Nations’ People in BC. A more in depth study of this resource will provide additional information pertaining to geographical implications of history and resource development, e.g. the gold rush, the formation of the United Colony of British Columbia, and the arrival of the first transcontinental train.
A map is also providing demonstrating the entry of the provinces into Confederation. The Interactive Games section, Parliamentary Puzzle is an excellent addition for students at this grade level. This resource is well matched for the learning needs of Social Studies 10.
