1992 Legislative Session: 1st Session, 35th Parliament

The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.

Nos. 133 and 134



Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

Tuesday, November 24, 1992

Ten o'clock a.m.

Prayers by Mr. Wilson.

The House proceeded to "Orders of the Day."

Bill (No. 84) intituled Labour Relations Code was committed.

The Committee rose, reported progress and asked leave to sit again.

Bill to be considered at the next sitting.

And then the House adjourned at 11.56 a.m.

Tuesday, November 24, 1992

Two o'clock p.m.

The Hon. M. F. Harcourt (Premier) advised the House of the death of Mr. Frank James Ney, former Member for Nanaimo, earlier today.

Mr. Wilson made a statement.

Mr. Weisgerber made a statement.

The Speaker stated that she would convey to the family of the late Mr. Ney the condolences of Members of the Legislative Assembly.

Order called for "Oral Questions by Members."

The House proceeded to "Orders of the Day."

The House proceeded to "Public Bills and Orders and Government Motions on Notice." 

 66   The Hon. G. Clark moved on behalf of the Hon. D. Zirnhelt--
That the Select Standing Committee on Economic Development, Science, Labour, Training and Technology be empowered to examine the implications for the economies of British Columbia and Canada of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) initialled by Canada, the United States, and Mexico on October 7, 1992.

That the Committee report to the House as soon as possible or, following any adjournments, or prorogation, at the next following Session.

In addition to the powers previously conferred upon the Committee by the House, the Committee shall have the following additional powers, namely:

1. To appoint Committee members to one or more subcommittees and to refer to such subcommittees any of the matters referred to the Committee;

2. To sit from place to place while the House is adjourned, during the recess after prorogation until the next following Session, and during any sitting of the House; and

3. To employ personnel as required to assist the Committee.

A debate arose.

The House divided.

Motion agreed to on the following division:

YEAS -- 53
Petter Giesbrecht Evans Dosanjh
Marzari Hagen Cowie K. Jones
Boone Harcourt Reid Dalton
Sihota Gabelmann Wilson Hurd
Priddy Clark Tyabji Anderson
Edwards Zirnhelt Farrell-Collins Miller
Barlee Blencoe Warnke Janssen
Jackson Pullinger Stephens Brewin
Pement B. Jones Lord Simpson
Beattie Copping Streifel Kasper
Schreck Ramsey Hartley Garden
Lortie Hammell Doyle Randall
MacPhail Farnworth O'Neill Krog
NAYS -- 7
Hanson Serwa Fox De Jong
Weisgerber Dueck   Neufeld

The Hon. G. Clark advised that the House will sit Wednesday, pursuant to Standing Order 2 (2).

Bill (No. 84) intituled Labour Relations Code was committed.

The Committee rose, reported progress and asked leave to sit again.

Bill to be considered at the next sitting.

Mr. Wilson moved a proposed amendment to Section 6 (1) of Bill (No. 84) as follows:

SECTION 6 (1), be amended to read as follows:

6 (1) An employer or a union or a person acting on behalf of an employer or union shall not participate in or interfere with the formation, selection or administration of a trade union or contribute financial or other support to it.

The amendment was defeated on the following division:

YEAS -- 12

Tanner Wilson K. Jones Hurd
Cowie Tyabji Jarvis Anderson
Reid Warnke Dalton Symons
NAYS -- 44

Petter MacPhail Copping O'Neill
Marzari Lali Ramsey Fox
Boone Giesbrecht Hammell De Jong
Sihota Hagen Farnworth Miller
Priddy Harcourt Evans Janssen
Edwards Gabelmann Hanson Brewin
Jackson Clark Serwa Simpson
Pement Zirnhelt Dueck Kasper
Beattie Blencoe Streifel Garden
Schreck Pullinger Hartley Randall
Lortie B. Jones Doyle Krog

Ms. Tyabji moved a proposed amendment to Section 6 (4) (b) of Bill (No. 84) as follows:

SECTION 6 (4) (b), be amended to read as follows:

6 (4) (b) make a change in the operation of the employer's business reasonably necessary for the economic viability of that business.

The amendment was defeated on the following division:

YEAS -- 13

Tanner Warnke K. Jones Hurd
Reid Stephens Jarvis Anderson
Wilson Mitchell Dalton Symons
NAYS -- 45

Petter Lali Ramsey Doyle
Marzari Giesbrecht Hammell O'Neill
Boone Hagen Farnworth Fox
Sihota Harcourt Evans Neufeld
Priddy Clark Hanson Miller
Edwards Zirnhelt Weisgerber Janssen
Jackson Blencoe Serwa Brewin
Pement Perry Dueck Simpson
Beattie Pullinger Lord Garden
Schreck B. Jones Streifel Randall
Lortie Copping Hartley Krog

In consideration of Section 6 of Bill (No. 84) the Committee divided as follows:

YEAS -- 39

Petter Lortie Pullinger Doyle
Marzari MacPhail B. Jones O'Neill
Boone Lali Copping Miller
Sihota Giesbrecht Ramsey Janssen
Priddy Hagen Hammell Brewin
Edwards Harcourt Farnworth Simpson
Jackson Clark Evans Garden
Pement Zirnhelt Lord Randall
Beattie Blencoe Streifel Krog
Schreck Perry   Hartley
NAYS -- 20
Tanner Warnke Dueck Hurd
Cowie Stephens Mitchell Anderson
Reid Hanson K. Jones Symons
Wilson Weisgerber Jarvis Fox
Tyabji Serwa Dalton Neufeld

In consideration of Section 7 of Bill (No. 84) the Committee divided as follows:

YEAS -- 39

Petter Lortie Pullinger Doyle
Marzari MacPhail B. Jones O'Neill
Boone Lali Copping Miller
Sihota Giesbrecht Ramsey Janssen
Priddy Hagen Hammell Brewin
Edwards Harcourt Farnworth Simpson
Jackson Clark Evans Garden
Pement Zirnhelt Lord Randall
Beattie Blencoe Streifel Krog
Schreck Perry   Hartley
NAYS -- 20

Tanner Warnke Dueck Hurd
Cowie Stephens Mitchell Anderson
Reid Hanson K. Jones Symons
Wilson Weisgerber Jarvis Fox
Tyabji Serwa Dalton Neufeld

And then the House adjourned at 5.59 p.m.


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