1992 Legislative Session: 1st Session, 35th Parliament

The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.

Nos. 136 and 137



Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

Thursday, November 26, 1992

Ten o'clock a.m.

Prayers by Mr. Gingell.

The House proceeded to "Orders of the Day."

Bill (No. 84) intituled Labour Relations Code was committed.

The Committee rose, reported progress and asked leave to sit again.

Bill to be considered at the next sitting.

In consideration of a proposed amendment to the Order Paper to Section 10 of Bill (No. 84) the Committee divided.

The amendment was defeated on the following division:

YEAS -- 14
Cowie Gingell Chisholm Symons
Reid Stephens Hurd Fox
Tyabji Hanson Anderson Neufeld
Farrell-Collins     Serwa
NAYS -- 39
Petter Lortie B. Jones Dosanjh
Boone MacPhail Copping Miller
Sihota Lali Lovick Janssen
Edwards Giesbrecht Ramsey Brewin
Barlee Smallwood Hammell Simpson
Charbonneau Hagen Farnworth Kasper
Jackson Clark Evans Garden
Pement Zirnhelt Lord Randall
Beattie Blencoe Hartley Krog
Schreck Pullinger   O'Neill

And then the House adjourned at 12 o'clock noon.

Thursday, November 26, 1992

Two o'clock p.m.

The Hon. L. Boone (Minister of Government Services) made a ministerial statement regarding the printing of the Orders of the Day.

Ms. Tyabji made a statement.

Order called for "Oral Questions by Members."

The Hon. C. Gabelmann, on behalf of the Hon. G. Clark (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations), tabled the Pacific National Exhibition Report and Financial Statements, March 31, 1992.

By leave, Mr. K. Jones tabled documents intituled Orders of the Day.

The House proceeded to "Orders of the Day."

Bill (No. 84) intituled Labour Relations Code was committed.

The Committee rose, reported progress and asked leave to sit again.

Bill to be considered at the next sitting.

In consideration of a proposed amendment on the Order Paper to Section 10 of Bill (No. 84) the Committee divided.

The amendment was defeated on the following division:

YEAS -- 13
Cowie Gingell K. Jones Hurd
Reid Stephens Jarvis Symons
Tyabji Hanson Chisholm Fox
NAYS -- 36
Petter Schreck Blencoe O'Neill
Boone Lortie B. Jones Dosanjh
Sihota MacPhail Copping Miller
Edwards Lali Ramsey Janssen
Barlee Smallwood Hammell Brewin
Charbonneau Hagen Farnworth Simpson
Jackson Gabelmann Evans Kasper
Pement Cull Lord Garden
Beattie Zirnhelt Hartley Krog

In consideration of Section 10 of Bill (No. 84) the Committee divided as follows:

YEAS -- 37
Petter MacPhail B. Jones O'Neill
Boone Lali Copping Dosanjh
Sihota Giesbrecht Lovick Miller
Edwards Smallwood Ramsey Janssen
Charbonneau Hagen Hammell Brewin
Jackson Gabelmann Farnworth Simpson
Pement Cull Evans Kasper
Beattie Zirnhelt Lord Garden
Schreck Blencoe Hartley Krog
NAYS -- 15
Cowie Gingell Jarvis Anderson
Reid Stephens Chisholm Symons
Tyabji Hanson Dalton Fox
Farrell-Collins K. Jones   Hurd

On the motion that the Committee rise and report progress, the House divided.

Motion agreed to nemine contradicente on the following division:

YEAS -- 37
Petter Giesbrecht Wilson Jarvis
Sihota Hagen Tyabji Dalton
Barlee Gabelmann Gingell Hurd
Jackson Zirnhelt Stephens Anderson
Pement Copping Serwa Fox
Beattie Lovick Lord Miller
Schreck Ramsey Hartley Janssen
Lortie Evans O'Neill Kasper
MacPhail Reid K. Jones Krog

And then the House adjourned at 6.05 p.m.




The Committee will meet at 3 o'clock p.m. on Wednesday, December 2, in the Douglas Fir Room (Room 226).
Business: North American Free Trade Agreement.

M. Farnworth, Chair
J. Pement, Deputy Chair

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