1996 Legislative Session: 1st Session, 36th Parliament

Note: The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.

No. 10



Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

Friday, July 5, 1996


Prayers by Mr. Symons.

The Hon. J. MacPhail presented the First Report of the Special Committee of Selection, which read as follows:

First Report

Douglas Fir Committee Room,
Parliament Buildings,
July 4, 1996

Honourable Speaker:

The Special Committee of Selection appointed on June 25, 1996, to prepare and report lists of members to compose the Select Standing Committees of this House for the present Session, begs leave to report that the following is the list of members to compose the Select Standing Committees for the present Session:

Aboriginal Affairs -- Mr. Waddell (Convener), Messrs. Lali, Kasper, Robertson and Goodacre, and Mmes. Gillespie and McGregor and Messrs. Barisoff, Coell, de Jong and Plant and Mr. Weisgerber.

Justice, Constitutional Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations -- Ms. Kwan (Convener), Messrs. Doyle, Bowbrick and Waddell and Mmes. Sawicki, Pullinger and Brewin and Messrs. Dalton, de Jong, Plant and Weisbeck and Mr. G. F. Wilson.

Education, Culture and Multiculturalism -- Mr. Calendino (Convener), Messrs. Lali and Hartley and Ms. Kwan and Messrs. Stevenson and Randall and Messrs. Anderson and Hurd and Ms. Sanders and Mr. Weisbeck.

Economic Development, Science, Labour, Training and Technology -- Ms. McGregor (Convener), Messrs. Doyle, Orcherton and Randall and Ms. Smallwood and Mr. Kasper and Messrs. Dalton, Hansen and Masi and Ms. Reid.

Environment and Tourism -- Mr. Orcherton (Convener), Messrs. Robertson and Conroy and Ms. Gillespie and Mr. Calendino and Ms. Sawicki and Ms. C. Clark and Mr. Krueger and Ms. McKinnon and Mr. Reitsma.

Finance and Government Services -- Mr. Stevenson (Convener), Ms. Pullinger and Messrs. Bowbrick and Waddell and Mmes. Brewin and Walsh and Ms. Chong and Messrs. Gingell, Penner and Thorpe.

Health and Social Services -- Ms. Gillespie (Convener), Ms. McGregor and Mr. Farnworth and Ms. Kwan and Messrs. Hartley and Waddell and Messrs. Anderson and Coell and Mmes. Hawkins and Reid.

Agriculture and Fisheries -- Mr. Goodacre (Convener), Ms. Gillespie and Messrs. Bowbrick, Hartley, Robertson and Conroy and Messrs. Abbott, Reitsma, van Dongen and J. D. Wilson.

Forests, Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources -- Mr. Conroy (Convener), Messrs. Lali and Robertson and Ms. Walsh and Mr. Hartley and Ms. Pullinger and Mr. Goodacre and Messrs. Jarvis, Nebbeling, Nettleton, J. D. Wilson and Neufeld.

Transportation, Municipal Affairs and Housing -- Mr. Randall (Convener), Messrs. Giesbrecht, Farnworth and Calendino and Ms. Smallwood and Mr. Stevenson and Ms. Kwan and Messrs. Abbott, Barisoff, Coleman and Symons.

Women's Equality -- Ms. Walsh (Convener), Mmes. Brewin and Smallwood and Messrs. Orcherton, Randall and Waddell and Mmes. McKinnon, Sanders, Stephens and Whittred.

Public Accounts -- Mr. Gingell (Convener), Ms. Pullinger and Messrs. Farnworth and Kasper and Mmes. Kwan and Smallwood and Messrs. Giesbrecht and Calendino and Ms. Chong and Messrs. Coleman and Penner and Mr. G. F. Wilson.

Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders and Private Bills -- Mr. Bowbrick (Convener), Messrs. Randall, Waddell and Stevenson and Ms. Sawicki and Mr. Lali and Ms. McGregor and Messrs. Farrell-Collins, Nettleton and Thorpe and Ms. Whittred and Mr. Weisgerber.

Crown Corporations -- Mr. van Dongen (Convener), Mr. Farnworth and Ms. Gillespie and Mr. Doyle and Mmes. Walsh, Pullinger and Smallwood and Mr. Conroy and Messrs. Farrell-Collins, Krueger, Symons and Mr. Neufeld.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Committee.

Hon. J. MacPhail, Chair

The Report was taken as read and received.

By leave of the House, the Rules were suspended and the Report adopted.

The House proceeded to "Orders of the Day."

Order called for "Private Members' Statements."

Pursuant to Order, the House resumed the adjourned debate on the Address in Reply to the Speech of His Honour the Lieutenant Governor at the opening of the Session.

The debate continued.

On the motion of Ms. Sawicki, the debate was adjourned to the next sitting of the House.

And then the House adjourned at 11.54 a.m.



Monday, July 8

32 Mr. Anderson to move in amendment, seconded by Ms. Chong --
That the address in reply to the throne speech be amended by adding the following:
". . . but this assembly regrets the statements with respect to the 1995-96 Budget included within the throne speech."

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Copyright © 1996: Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada