1997 Legislative Session: 2nd Session, 36th Parliament

The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.

[ Progress of Bills . . . ]

No. 84



Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

Friday, June 27, 1997

Ten o'clock a.m.

Prayers by Mr. G. F. Wilson.

The House proceeded to "Orders of the Day."

The Hon. A. Petter (Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations and Minister Responsible for Intergovernmental Relations) tabled the following:

Statement of 1996/97 Borrowings Pursuant to Section 41.5 of the Financial Administration Act, Schedule A, Schedule B and Schedule C, and

Financial Statements of the British Columbia Educational Institutions Capital Financing Authority, as at March 31, 1997.

Order called for Private Members' Statements.

The Speaker made the following statement:

Private Members' Statements may be concerned with controversial and debatable matters, but ought not to involve criticism of another Member, be highly partisan or likely to cause offence and rancour.

The Speaker declared a short recess.

His Honour the Lieutenant Governor having entered the House, and being seated in the Chair --

Ian D. Izard, Law Clerk and Clerk Assistant, read the title to the following Bills:

Bill (No. 9) Tourism British Columbia Act.

Bill (No. 23) Children's Commission Act.

His Honour was pleased in Her Majesty's name to give assent to the said Bills.

The said assent was announced by Ian D. Izard, Law Clerk and Clerk Assistant, in the following words:

"In Her Majesty's name, His Honour the Lieutenant Governor doth assent to these Bills."

Ian D. Izard, Law Clerk and Clerk Assistant, read the title to the following Bill:

Bill (No. 49) Supply Act (No. 2), 1997.

His Honour was pleased in Her Majesty's name to give assent to the said Bill.

The said assent was announced by Ian D. Izard, Law Clerk and Clerk Assistant, in the following words:

"In Her Majesty's name, His Honour the Lieutenant Governor doth thank Her Majesty's loyal subjects, accepts their benevolence, and assents to this Bill."

His Honour the Lieutenant Governor was then pleased to retire.

The House resumed Private Members' Statements.

Order for Committee of Supply called.

Pursuant to Sessional Order, order called for Section A of Committee of Supply (estimates of the Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors, BC Transit).

Pursuant to Sessional Order, order called for Section B of Committee of Supply (estimates of the Ministry of Forests).

(In Committee -- Section B)

Section B of Committee of Supply reported progress.

Report to be considered at the next sitting.

Committee to sit again at the next sitting.

(In Committee -- Section A)

Section A of Committee of Supply reported progress.

Report to be considered at the next sitting.

Committee to sit again at the next sitting.

The Hon. J. MacPhail moved --

That the House at its rising stand adjourned until 2 o'clock p.m. on Wednesday next.

And then the House adjourned at 12.43 p.m.



Wednesday, July 2

Ms. Reid to introduce a Bill intituled Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Act.

Thursday, July 3

Ms. Reid to introduce a Bill intituled Family Relations Act Amendment Act, 1997 (Grandparents' Rights).


Wednesday, July 2

1 Ms. Reid to ask the Hon. the Minister of Health the following question:

When will the Minister of Health reinstate the drugs Alanzapine and Rispiradone under the B.C. Pharmacare Program thereby eliminating the current necessity for "special authority".


Thursday, July 3

64 Ms. Reid to move --

That the Minister of Health resolve to eliminate the second tier of health care currently in place within the British Columbia Workers' Compensation System.

[ Progress of Bills . . . ]

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Copyright © 1997: Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada