2005 Legislative Session: 6th Session, 37th Parliament

The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.


List of Bills by Chapter Number





Bill No.


Attorney General Statutes Amendment Act, 2005 Hon. G. Plant 4
2 Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2005 Hon. G. Plant 3
3 Budget Measures Implementation Act, 2005 Hon. C. Hansen 6
4 Crown Counsel Agreement Continuation Act Hon. G. Bruce 21
5 Income Tax Amendment Act, 2005 Hon. C. Hansen 7
6 Supply Act, 2004-2005 (Supplementary Estimates No. 2) Hon. C. Hansen 9
7 Supply Act, 2004-2005 (Supplementary Estimates No. 3) Hon. C. Hansen 10
8 Supply Act, 2004-2005 (Supplementary Estimates No. 4) Hon. C. Hansen 11
9 Supply Act, 2004-2005 (Supplementary Estimates No. 5) Hon. C. Hansen 12
10 Supply Act, 2004-2005 (Supplementary Estimates No. 6) Hon. C. Hansen 13
11 Supply Act, 2004-2005 (Supplementary Estimates No. 7) Hon. C. Hansen 14
12 Supply Act, 2004-2005 (Supplementary Estimates No. 8) Hon. C. Hansen 15
13 Supply Act, 2004-2005 (Supplementary Estimates No. 9) Hon. C. Hansen 16
14 Supply Act, 2004-2005 (Supplementary Estimates No. 10) Hon. C. Hansen 17
15 Supply Act, 2004-2005 (Supplementary Estimates No. 11) Hon. C. Hansen 18
16 Taxation Statutes Amendment Act, 2005 Hon. C. Hansen 8
17 Thompson Rivers University Act Hon. I. Chong 2
18 British Columbia Wharf Operators' Association (Corporate Restoration) Act, 2005

Mr. L. Mayencourt

Pr 403
19 Ministerial Accountability Bases, 2004-2005, Amendment Act, 2005 Hon. C. Hansen 19
20 Pacific Bible College Amendment Act, 2005 Mr. R. Stewart Pr 402
21 Supply Act (No. 1), 2005 Hon. C. Hansen 20
22 The John Hussey Foundation (Corporate Restoration) Act, 2005 Mr. H. Long

Pr 405

23 University of Victoria Foundation Act Mr. J. Bray Pr 401
24 Westco Insurance Company Act, 1966 Repeal Act, 2005 Mr. R. Sultan Pr 404

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