Home > Previous Parliaments > 36th Parliament, 5th Session > Members > Hon. Bill Hartley

36th Parliament Members
at dissolution on April 18, 2001

Hon. Bill Hartley
Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows


1991, 1996


Bill Hartley was elected Speaker of the House in March 2000. Previously, serving as Deputy Speaker from March 1998 until February 2000, he stepped in as Acting Speaker until his election a month later.

Following the general election in 1996, Bill was appointed Deputy Chair, Committee of the Whole for the First Session of the 36th Parliament. Before becoming Speaker, he chaired the Select Standing Committee on Agriculture and Fisheries.

On May 4th, 1999, Bill presented to the Legislative Assembly Motion 61 in support of the people of Burma. The Motion calls on the military Junta in Burma to recognise the duly elected representatives of the people of Burma and calls on the Canadian government to take action to achieve a coordinated international action in support of the restoration of human rights in Burma. The motion received the support of all members of the BC Legislature.

Bill was first elected to represent the consituency of Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows in 1991 and was re-elected in 1996. He has also held elected office at the municipal level, serving as an alderman in Maple Ridge from 1983 to 1987 and as Mayor from 1987 to 1990.

Prior to his municipal involvement, Bill was a constituency assistant to MP Mark Rose, from 1979 to 1983. He has also been a childcare worker, restaurant owner and music promoter.

Bill is founder of the Haney Alliance for Nuclear Discouragement and the Alouette Arts Society. Other community involvements include: Cythera Transition House, Ridge Meadows Society for the Mentally Disabled and the United Way North Fraser Governing Committee.

Bill and Alice Hartley have one daughter, Wallis.