1993 Legislative Session: 2nd Session, 35th Parliament

The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.

Nos. 114 and 115



Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

Thursday, July 22, 1993

Ten o'clock a.m.

Prayers by Mr. Gingell.

The House proceeded to "Orders of the Day."

Bill (No. 76) intituled Cultural Foundation of British Columbia Act was committed, reported complete without amendment, read a third time and passed.

Mr. Hanson moved a proposed amendment to section 2 of Bill (No. 76) as follows:

SECTION 2, is hereby amended by adding to section 2, subsection (1), the following:

from a list of nominees provided by a Select Standing Committee of the Legislature.

The amendment was defeated, on division.

Bill (No. 45) intituled Health Authorities Act was committed.

The Committee rose, reported progress and asked leave to sit again.

Bill to be considered at the next sitting.

And then the House adjourned at 12 o'clock noon.

Thursday, July 22, 1993

Two o'clock p.m.

Order called for "Oral Questions by Members."

Mr. Lali presented a petition relating to a new school for the Pavilion Reserve.

The Hon. J. Smallwood (Minister of Social Services) made a ministerial statement regarding a report entitled Making Changes: Next Steps, A White Paper For Public Review, and tabled the report.

Mr. Anderson made a statement.

Mr. De Jong made a statement.

The House proceeded to "Orders of the Day."

Bill (No. 45) intituled Health Authorities Act was again committed.

A proposed amendment on the Order Paper to section 3 (2) of Bill (No. 45) was defeated, on division.

Section 4 as amended of Bill (No. 45) passed, on division.

A proposed amendment on the Order Paper to section 5 (1) (a) of Bill (No. 45) was defeated, on division.

Section 5 of Bill (No. 45) passed, on division.

The Committee rose, reported progress and asked leave to sit again.

Bill to be considered later today.

And then the House recessed for three minutes.

Five Minutes past Six o'clock p.m.

Bill (No. 45) intituled Health Authorities Act was again committed.

In consideration of section 6 of Bill (No. 45) the Committee divided as follows:

YEAS -- 26
Perry Giesbrecht Lovick O'Neill
Marzari Smallwood Pullinger Janssen
Barlee Gabelmann Farnworth Kasper
Beattie Clark Evans Garden
Schreck Cull Streifel Randall
Lortie Zirnhelt Doyle Krog
Lali     Copping
NAYS -- 16
Cowie Farrell-Collins Mitchell Tanner
Reid Stephens K. Jones Symons
Gingell Hanson Jarvis Fox
Dalton Serwa Anderson De Jong

In consideration of a proposed amendment on the Order Paper to section (7) (1) (a) of Bill (No. 45) the Committee divided.

The amendment was defeated on the following division:

YEAS -- 15
Cowie Farrell-Collins K. Jones Symons
Reid Stephens Jarvis Fox
Gingell Hanson Anderson De Jong
Dalton Serwa   Tanner
NAYS -- 27
Perry Giesbrecht Copping O'Neill
Marzari Smallwood Lovick Janssen
Barlee Harcourt Pullinger Kasper
Beattie Gabelmann Farnworth Garden
Schreck Clark Evans Randall
Lortie Cull Streifel Krog
Lali Zirnhelt   Doyle

In consideration of section 7 of Bill (No. 45) the Committee divided as follows:

YEAS -- 27
Perry Gabelmann Lovick Janssen
Barlee Clark Pullinger Brewin
Schreck Cull Farnworth Kasper
Lortie Zirnhelt Evans Garden
Lali Barnes Doyle Randall
Giesbrecht MacPhail O'Neill Krog
Smallwood Copping   Dosanjh
NAYS -- 16
Cowie Farrell-Collins Serwa Tanner
Reid Wilson K. Jones Symons
Gingell Stephens Jarvis Fox
Dalton Hanson Anderson De Jong

Mr. Cowie moved a proposed amendment to section 8 of Bill (No. 45) as follows:

SECTION 8, to be amended as follows:

Delete subsection (4).

The amendment was defeated on the following division:

YEAS -- 13
Dalton Hanson Jarvis Symons
Farrell-Collins Serwa Anderson Fox
Wilson K. Jones Tanner De Jong
NAYS -- 28
Perry Smallwood Copping Dosanjh
Barlee Gabelmann Lovick Janssen
Beattie Clark Pullinger Brewin
Schreck Cull Farnworth Kasper
Lortie Zirnhelt Evans Garden
Lali Barnes Doyle Randall
Giesbrecht MacPhail O'Neill Krog

On the motion that the Committee rise, report progress and ask leave to sit again, the Committee divided.

Motion defeated on the following division:

YEAS -- 16
Cowie Farrell-Collins Serwa Tanner
Reid Wilson K. Jones Symons
Gingell Stephens Jarvis Fox
Dalton Hanson Anderson De Jong
NAYS -- 26
Perry Gabelmann Pullinger Janssen
Barlee Clark Farnworth Brewin
Schreck Cull Evans Kasper
Lortie Barnes Doyle Garden
Lali MacPhail O'Neill Randall
Giesbrecht Copping Dosanjh Krog
Smallwood     Lovick

In consideration of section 8 of Bill (No. 45) the Committee divided as follows:

YEAS -- 27
Perry Gabelmann Pullinger Janssen
Barlee Clark Farnworth Brewin
Schreck Cull Evans Kasper
Lortie Zirnhelt Streifel Garden
Lali MacPhail Doyle Randall
Giesbrecht Copping O'Neill Krog
Smallwood Lovick   Dosanjh
NAYS -- 16
Cowie Farrell-Collins Serwa Tanner
Reid Wilson K. Jones Symons
Gingell Stephens Anderson Fox
Dalton Hanson Warnke De Jong

In consideration of section 9 of Bill (No. 45) the Committee divided as follows:

YEAS -- 27
Perry Gabelmann Pullinger Janssen
Barlee Clark Farnworth Brewin
Schreck Cull Evans Kasper
Lortie Zirnhelt Streifel Garden
Lali MacPhail Doyle Randall
Giesbrecht Copping O'Neill Krog
Smallwood Lovick   Dosanjh
NAYS -- 15
Cowie Farrell-Collins K. Jones Symons
Reid Wilson Anderson Fox
Gingell Stephens Warnke De Jong
Dalton Serwa   Tanner

Mr. Gingell moved a proposed amendment to section 10 of Bill (No. 45) as follows:

SECTION 10, by deleting section 10 (5) (b) and replacing it with the following:

(b) a financial statement showing the assets and liabilities of the board or council at the end of the preceding fiscal year and the income and expenditures of the board or council for that year and a statement of changes in financial position of the board or council for the year then ended.

The amendment agreed to nemine contradicente on the following division:

YEAS -- 41
Perry MacPhail Farrell-Collins Warnke
Barlee Copping Wilson Symons
Schreck Lovick Stephens Fox
Lortie Pullinger Serwa De Jong
Lali Farnworth Streifel Janssen
Giesbrecht Evans Doyle Brewin
Smallwood Cowie O'Neill Kasper
Gabelmann Reid Dosanjh Garden
Clark Gingell K. Jones Randall
Cull Dalton Anderson Krog

On the motion that the Committee rise, report progress and ask leave to sit again, the Committee divided.

Motion defeated on the following division:

YEAS -- 13
Reid Stephens Anderson Symons
Gingell Serwa Warnke Fox
Dalton K. Jones Tanner De Jong
NAYS -- 26
Perry Clark Pullinger Janssen
Barlee Cull Farnworth Brewin
Schreck Zirnhelt Evans Kasper
Lortie Barnes Doyle Garden
Lali MacPhail O'Neill Randall
Smallwood Copping Dosanjh Krog
Gabelmann     Lovick

Mr. Serwa moved an amendment to section 10 of Bill (No. 45) as follows:

SECTION 10, to be amended by adding:

(9) Within three months after the end of the current fiscal year an annual meeting must be called by the Community Health Council for the express purpose of informing the community of both the financial and operational issues of the preceding year.

The amendment was defeated on the following division:

YEAS -- 14
Reid Wilson Anderson Symons
Gingell Stephens Warnke Fox
Dalton Serwa Tanner De Jong
Farrell-Collins     K. Jones
NAYS -- 26
Perry Clark Farnworth Janssen
Barlee Cull Evans Brewin
Schreck Zirnhelt Streifel Kasper
Lortie Barnes Doyle Garden
Lali Copping O'Neill Randall
Smallwood Lovick Dosanjh Krog
Gabelmann     Pullinger

In consideration of section 10, as amended, of Bill (No. 45) the Committee divided as follows:

YEAS -- 37
Perry Barnes Farrell-Collins Warnke
Barlee Copping Wilson Tanner
Schreck Lovick Stephens Symons
Lortie Pullinger Streifel Janssen
Lali Farnworth Doyle Brewin
Smallwood Evans O'Neill Kasper
Gabelmann Reid Dosanjh Garden
Clark Gingell K. Jones Randall
Cull Dalton Anderson Krog
NAYS -- 3
Serwa Fox   De Jong

On the motion that the Chairman do now leave the Chair, the Committee divided.

The motion was defeated on the following division:

YEAS -- 14
Reid Wilson Anderson Symons
Gingell Stephens Warnke Fox
Dalton Serwa Tanner De Jong
Farrell-Collins     K. Jones
NAYS -- 25
Perry Clark Farnworth Janssen
Barlee Cull Evans Brewin
Schreck Barnes Streifel Kasper
Lortie Copping Doyle Garden
Lali Lovick O'Neill Randall
Smallwood Pullinger Dosanjh Krog

In consideration of section 11 of Bill (No. 45) the Committee divided as follows:

YEAS -- 26
Perry Clark Farnworth Janssen
Barlee Cull Evans Brewin
Schreck Zirnhelt Streifel Kasper
Lortie Doyle Garden Lali
Barnes O'Neill Randall Smallwood
Copping Dosanjh Krog Gabelmann
Lovick     Pullinger
NAYS -- 15
Reid Wilson K. Jones Symons
Gingell Stephens Anderson Fox
Dalton Serwa Warnke De Jong
Farrell-Collins Tyabji   Tanner

In consideration of section 12 of Bill (No. 45) the Committee divided as follows:

YEAS -- 25
Perry Clark Farnworth Janssen
Barlee Cull Evans Brewin
Schreck Zirnhelt Streifel Kasper
Lortie Copping Doyle Garden
Lali Lovick O'Neill Randall
Smallwood Pullinger Dosanjh Krog
NAYS -- 14
Reid Wilson Anderson Symons
Gingell Stephens Warnke Fox
Dalton Serwa Tanner De Jong
Farrell-Collins     K. Jones

In consideration of section 13 of Bill (No. 45) the Committee divided as follows:

YEAS -- 26
Perry Clark Evans Janssen
Barlee Cull Serwa Brewin
Schreck Barnes Streifel Kasper
Lortie Copping Doyle Garden
Lali Lovick O'Neill Randall
Smallwood Pullinger Dosanjh Krog
Gabelmann     Farnworth
NAYS -- 13
Reid Wilson Anderson Symons
Gingell Stephens Warnke Fox
Dalton K. Jones Tanner De Jong

In consideration of sections 14 - 19 of Bill (No. 45) the Committee divided as follows:

YEAS -- 25
Perry Clark Farnworth Janssen
Barlee Cull Evans Brewin
Schreck Zirnhelt Streifel Kasper
Lortie Barnes Doyle Garden
Lali Copping O'Neill Randall
Smallwood Pullinger Dosanjh Krog
NAYS -- 15
Reid Wilson K. Jones Symons
Gingell Stephens Anderson Fox
Dalton Serwa Warnke De Jong
Farrell-Collins Tyabji   Tanner

On the motion that the Committee rise and report the Bill complete with amendment, the Committee divided.

Motion agreed to on the following division:

YEAS -- 38
Perry Zirnhelt Wilson Warnke
Barlee Barnes Stephens Tanner
Schreck Copping Streifel Symons
Lortie Pullinger Doyle Janssen
Lali Farnworth O'Neill Brewin
Giesbrecht Evans Dosanjh Kasper
Smallwood Reid Tyabji Garden
Gabelmann Gingell K. Jones Randall
Clark Dalton Anderson Krog
Cull     Farrell-Collins
NAYS -- 3
Serwa Fox   De Jong

Bill as reported to be considered at the next sitting after today.

And then the House adjourned at 1 o'clock a.m.


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