2002 Legislative Session: 3rd Session, 37th Parliament

The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.

[ Progress of Bills . . . ]

Nos. 24 and 25



Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

Monday, March 11, 2002

Ten o'clock a.m.

Prayers by Mr. Manhas.

The House proceeded to "Orders of the Day."

Order for "Private Members' Statements" called.

The House proceeded to "Adjourned Debate on Private Members' Motions on Notice."

The House resumed the adjourned debate on the amendment to Motion 9.

The amendment passed, on division.

Motion 9 as amended was agreed to.

Ms. Kwan, pursuant to Standing Order 31 (1), requested that Motions 1, 2 and 3 standing in her name on the Order Paper be allowed to stand and retain their precedence.

  5  Ms. Kwan moved--
Be it resolved that this House opposes the lift of the tuition fee freeze.

On the motion of Ms. Kwan, debate was adjourned to the next sitting of the House.

And then the House adjourned at 11.59 a.m.

Monday, March 11, 2002

Two o'clock p.m.

Order called for "Members' Statements."

Order called for "Oral Questions by Members."

The Hon. C. Richmond (Speaker) made a statement regarding Commonwealth Day.

The Hon. G. Campbell (Premier) moved, seconded by Ms. MacPhail--

Resolved that the following message be forwarded to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada and Head of the Commonwealth.

"The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, Most Gracious Sovereign, on Commonwealth Day, 2002, we, the Members of the 37th Parliament of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, beg to offer our sincere congratulations on the Fiftieth Anniversary of your reign.

"In this Golden Jubilee year, the people of British Columbia are proud to join other members of the Commonwealth in paying tribute to Your Majesty's guidance and devotion to duty and to reaffirm our continuing loyalty and respect.

"The citizens of British Columbia are looking forward with great pleasure to the visit of Your Majesty and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh to our Pacific province, in the year of your fiftieth reign.

"We pray that Your Majesty will continue to reign in peace, health and happiness for many years to come."

Motion agreed to.

The House proceeded to "Orders of the Day."

Order for Committee of Supply called.

Pursuant to Sessional Order, order called for Section A of Committee of Supply (estimates of the Ministry of Education).

Pursuant to Sessional Order, order called for Section B of Committee of Supply (estimates of the Ministry of Health Planning).

The Committee recessed until 6:30 p.m.

(In Committee -- Section B)

30. Resolved, That a sum not exceeding $16,633,000 be granted to Her Majesty to defray the expenses of Ministry of Health Planning, Ministry Operations, to 31st March, 2003.

Section B of Committee of Supply reported the Resolution.
Report to be considered at the next sitting.
Committee to sit again at the next sitting.

(In Committee -- Section A)

Section A of Committee of Supply reported progress.
Report to be considered at the next sitting.
Committee to sit again at the next sitting.

And then the House adjourned at 9.03 p.m.



Wednesday, March 13

  30  Hon. G. Plant to move--
That the House urges the Government to conduct a referendum asking the following questions.
Whereas the Government of British Columbia is committed to negotiating workable, affordable treaty settlements that will provide certainty, finality and equality;
Do you agree that the Provincial Government should adopt the following principles to guide its participation in treaty negotiations?
1. Private property should not be expropriated for treaty settlements.
2. The terms and conditions of leases and licences should be respected; fair compensation for unavoidable disruption of commercial interests should be ensured.
3. Hunting, fishing and recreational opportunities on Crown land should be ensured for all British Columbians.
4. Parks and protected areas should be maintained for the use and benefit of all British Columbians.
5. Province-wide standards of resource management and environmental protection should continue to apply.
6. Aboriginal self-government should have the characteristics of local government, with powers delegated from Canada and British Columbia.
7. Treaties should include mechanisms for harmonizing land use planning between Aboriginal governments and neighbouring local governments.
8. The existing tax exemptions for Aboriginal people should be phased out.

[ Progress of Bills . . . ]

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Copyright © 2002: Queen’s Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada