2002 Legislative Session: 3rd Session, 37th Parliament

The following electronic version is for informational purposes only.
The printed version remains the official version.

[ Progress of Bills . . . ]

Nos. 52 and 53



Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Ten o'clock a.m.

Prayers by the Hon. J. Reid.

The House proceeded to "Orders of the Day."

The Hon. G. Collins rose on a point of order and made representations relating to Bill (No. M 201) intituled Fisheries Act Amendment Act, 2002.

Ms. MacPhail made representations.

The Speaker stated that his ruling would be delivered based on long established precedents of the House.

On the motion for second reading of Bill (No. 26) intituled Employment and Assistance Act, a debate arose.

The debate continued.

On the motion of Ms. Kwan, the debate was adjourned to the next sitting of the House.

And then the House adjourned at 11.57 a.m.

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Two o'clock p.m.

The Hon. K. Falcon (Minister of State for Deregulation) presented to the Speaker a Message from His Honour the Administrator, which read as follows:

Lance Finch

The Administrator transmits herewith Bill (No. 35) intituled Deregulation Statutes Amendment Act (No. 2), 2002 and recommends the same to the Legislative Assembly.

Vancouver Law Courts

April 16, 2002

Bill introduced and read a first time.

Bill Ordered to be placed on the Orders of the Day for second reading at the next sitting after today.

Order called for "Member's Statements."

Order called for "Oral Questions by Members."

The House proceeded to "Orders of the Day."

The House resumed the adjourned debate on the motion for second reading of Bill (No. 26) intituled Employment and Assistance Act.

The debate continued.

Ms. Kwan moved the following amendment--

That the motion for second reading for Bill (No. 26) intituled Employment and Assistance Act, be amended by deleting the word "now" and adding the words "on this day six months' hence".

The debate on the amendment continued.

On the motion of Ms. MacPhail, the debate on the amendment was adjourned to the next sitting of the House.

And then the House adjourned at 5.54 p.m.


[ Progress of Bills . . . ]

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Copyright © 2002: Queen’s Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada