Hansard Services


Hansard Services

British Columbia Hansard Services is responsible for publishing the official reports of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly and parliamentary committees and for broadcasting those same proceedings. The transcripts and broadcasts are full, accurate and impartial records of the work of the Members of the Legislative Assembly.

B.C. Hansard Services is pleased to provide these services to the Youth Parliamentarians of the 8th Commonwealth Youth Parliament, both to support their activities and to enhance their experience as legislators. The opening of the parliament and all legislative sittings will be broadcast live on the Assembly's internal cable channel. These events will also be recorded as video files and webcasts. The educational sessions and non-legislative activities will not be broadcast or recorded.

Transcripts of the legislative sittings will be produced and posted to the House Documents section of the CYP8 website. A draft transcript — referred to as the Blues — will be posted approximately 90 minutes after the adjournment of a sitting. These documents will be finalized and posted as PDF files a week or so after the parliament concludes.

Throughout the Commonwealth, Hansard is typically described as a "substantially verbatim report." The B.C. Hansard report is very close to a verbatim account. Hansard editors make minor edits to the text to aid readability; however, every effort is made to retain the character and manner of individual speakers.

Hansard staff will attempt to verify proper names and document titles that Youth Parliamentarians refer to in their speeches. To assist, it would be very helpful if Youth Parliamentarians provided Hansard with copies of speaking notes and spellings of unfamiliar names and terms. Youth Parliamentarians are also encouraged to review their speeches in the Blues and advise the Hansard office if they believe they have been incorrectly reported.

Requests for corrections should be sent by email to Research.Hansard@leg.bc.ca. Youth Parliamentarians may also contact Christine Fedoruk, Manager of Reporting Services, by phone at 250-356-2963 or Rob Sutherland, Director of Hansard Services, at 250-387-0944.

