Parliamentary Documents

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​​​Debates and Proceedings

Orders of the Day

The published daily agenda of business available to be considered by the Legislative Assembly at a particular sitting.

Votes and Proceedings

A published summary of the daily business and decisions made by the Legislative Assembly, similar to minutes. It includes a listing of all bills, documents tabled, motions, decisions, and the results of any votes.

Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)

The official substantially verbatim transcript of what is said in the Legislative Assembly, produced with video and indexes. Preliminary transcripts are called Blues and are identified by a blue background. Hansard also produces transcripts of parliamentary committee proceedings.

Committee of Supply – Votes Completed

A table listing the dates that ministries have completed their annual budgetary review by Committee of Supply, also known as Estimates debate.

Archived Journals

Access to the historical Journals of the Legislative Assembly from 1851 to present. Compiled from the Votes and Proceedings, the Journals are the official, permanent record of the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly.


Full transcripts of the Speech from the Throne and the Budget Speech, as delivered in the Legislative Assembly.
