Guidelines for making a written, audio, or video submission

Guidelines for making a written, audio, or video submission

During a public consultation, parliamentary committees may invite written, audio, and video submissions from interested parties on topics or issues under consideration. Submissions to parliamentary committees are considered part of the public record, and may be posted on the Legislative Assembly website.

Please abide by the following guidelines when preparing your submission:

  • Clearly state your main points and/or recommendation(s). An executive summary is recommended.
  • Include any personal contact information (e.g. email address and mailing address,) in a cover-page. Please do not include any personal contact information in the text of your submission.
  • Read and understand the privacy policy.

Written submissions can be sent to a committee electronically via an online submission form, or in print form by lettermail or fax.

The preferred format for online written submissions is MS Word. However, PDF and plain text file formats are accepted. While there is no file size limit, please minimize the use of images or graphics to reduce file size.

Audio or video submissions can be sent to a committee electronically via an online submission form, or by lettermail on a CDROM, DVD, or data storage key. Videos posted to a third party hosting website (e.g. YouTube) will not be accepted. Telephone submissions may be arranged upon request.

Submissions must be received before the end of the consultation period.


If you have any questions regarding these guidelines or require further details about making a submission to a parliamentary committee, please contact the Parliamentary Committees Office at
