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Legislative Assembly Policy Suite

Pursuant to the Legislative Assembly Management Committee Act, the Legislative Assembly Management Committee (LAMC) has jurisdiction to deal with matters for the effective operation and management of the Legislative Assembly, including policies applicable to Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Assembly Administration.

In 2019, LAMC implemented the Legislative Assembly Policy Framework, a policy that:

  • establishes "a framework for the identification, planning, development, review, approval, implementation, revision, and repeal of new and existing Legislative Assembly policies";
  • delegates the responsibility to revise and develop policies within the parameters of the Policy Framework to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly; and
  • assigns overall accountability for the Legislative Assembly's policy suite to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.​

The Policy Framework also includes a number of key principles that are critical to ensuring that, within the context of organizational operations, policies provide clear guidance, are consistent, and promote accountability and efficiency. Specifically, policies shall:

  • comply with relevant statutes and regulations;
  • reflect current professional standards and/or best practices;
  • promote good governance through appropriate provisions relating to accountability, leadership, integrity, stewardship, and transparency;
  • promote sound management practices;
  • promote prudent financial administration;
  • promote behaviours consistent with the core principles of the Legislative Assembly Administration;
  • promote openness, fairness, transparency, continuity, and efficiencies in the administrative operations of the Legislative Assembly; and
  • aim to effectively manage organizational risk and performance through robust controls and active management.

In addition, the Legislative Assembly's policy development is guided by the practices of the Government of British Columbia and best practices in other parliamentary and public sector organizations, where practicable and appropriate.

Administrative Policy Suite

Please note that the Legislative Assembly is currently undertaking an extensive review and modernization of its policy suite. New and updated policies will be added to this site once they have been implemented. 

Policy Name Effective Date Objective
Accounting for Tangible Capital Assets April 28, 2023 Establish a framework for the accounting for, and reporting of, the Legislative Assembly's tangible capital assets. 
Contracting December 1, 2023 Establish a framework for the creation, approval, execution, and management of contracts by the Legislative Assembly Administration.
Corporate Purchasing Card September 9, 2019 Establish a framework for the utilization of purchasing cards for approved business-related expenses facilitating efficiency in both purchase and payment processes without compromising required controls. 
Employee Travel September 9, 2019 Establish standards to ensure that travel expenses are economical, efficient, proper, reasonable, approved, and accountable.
Fraud Awareness, Prevention and Reporting September 9, 2024 Set out responsibilities and processes regarding the awareness, prevention, detection, and investigation of fraud, and assist in promoting a culture that encourages employees to raise concerns about fraud without fear of retaliation.
General Expenditure May 15, 2019 Establish a financial control framework for the spending of public monies which permits a balance of risks, costs, and efficiencies. 
Internal Audit June 16, 2020 Establish an internal audit function that fulfills an ongoing independent and objective assurance and consulting service designed to add value and improve the Legislative Assembly's governance and administrative operations.
Non-Budgetary Cycle Capital Project Review and Approval November 28, 2022 Establish the framework through which non-budgetary cycle capital projects and purchases are reviewed, approved, monitored, and revised.
Procurement December 1, 2023 Establish a framework for the acquisition of goods, services, and construction by the Legislative Assembly Administration from a vendor to ensure procurement activities follow best business practices and are based on the principles of fair and open procurement: successful completion, demand aggregation, value for money, transparency, and accountability.
Risk Management June 16, 2020 Ensure implementation of an appropriate risk management accountability mechanism and to outline the framework for identifying and managing operational risks at the Legislative Assembly.
Policy Name Effective Date Objective
Business Continuity Management March 11, 2024 Establish the framework for the business continuity management program within the Legislative Assembly to ensure the delivery of critical services in a disruptive event.
Creating and Updating Policies November 1, 2022 Ensure that policy approval and update processes are consistent, appropriately authorized, and formally documented.
Employee Legal Assistance (Indemnification) May 25, 2021 Establish the criteria and approval process for providing employees with legal representation and payment for the cost of legal proceedings arising from the performance of their employment duties.
Exhibit and Display October 30, 2023 Provide a framework for the application, selection, evaluation, approval, and overall expectations for new exhibits and monuments on the Legislative Precinct.
Filming June 29, 2022 Provide a framework through which requests from external users for the use of spaces within the Legislative Precinct as film locations are considered by the Legislative Assembly.
Gifts and Honoraria September 9, 2019 Ensure that any gifts and honoraria bestowed using Legislative Assembly funds are economical, proper, reasonable, and properly approved.
Hospitality September 10, 2020 Ensure that hospitality expenses paid for using Legislative Assembly funds are appropriate, economical, duly authorized and to provide clarity on the circumstances in which hospitality expenditures may be necessary on the basis of reciprocity, diplomatic protocol or custom, professional courtesy, or for the facilitation of Legislative Assembly business.
Legislative Assembly Policy Framework November 28, 2022 Provide a framework for the identification, planning, development, review, approval, implementation, revision, and repeal of new and existing Legislative Assembly policies.
Liquor Control and Inventory July 2, 2019 Establish the standards and requirements for the purchase and inventory of alcohol by Legislative Assembly employees for use at Assembly official events.
Parliamentary Gift Shop April 14, 2021 Ensure that the Parliamentary Gift Shop operates with a framework of accountability and sound financial management practices while supporting the Parliamentary Education Office in promoting awareness and understanding of the Legislative Assembly and its role. 
Precinct Use September 9, 2024 Provide a framework through which requests for the use of certain designated areas of the Legislative Precinct are made and considered  by the Legislative Assembly, subject to the Legislative Precinct Regulation
Precinct Space Management September 9, 2024 Establish a framework and principles for space allocation within the Legislative Precinct to ensure the use of space is equitable, efficient, and meets current and future business needs of the Legislative Assembly.
Reporting Suspected Wrongdoing May 7, 2024 Establish an independent and arm’s-length process available to current and former Members of the Legislative Assembly and current and former employees of the Legislative Assembly to report suspected wrongdoing within the Legislative Assembly Administration without fear of retaliation.
Sustainable Commuting May 3, 2021 Provide an equitable framework for the allocation and terms of use of parking spaces assigned to Legislative Assembly employees, and to encourage the use of sustainable transportation options.
Use of Parliamentary Venues by External Groups June 16, 2020 Provide a framework through which requests by external organizations for the use of the Legislative Chamber, committee rooms and the Legislative Library Rotunda are made and considered by the Legislative Assembly.
Policy Name Effective Date Objective
Credited Service May 27, 2024 Establish how the Legislative Assembly credits the employment history of employees and how credited service applies to vacation entitlement and retirement allowance. ​
Employee Concern​ March 17, 2021 Provide an effective problem-solving process to resolve employee concerns.
Employee Files July 7, 2021 Outline the process for maintaining, accessing, and retaining the employment records of employees of the Legislative Assembly.
Flexible Work Arrangements January 1, 2024 Provide parameters and guidance regarding flexible work arrangements, with the goal of offering a flexible work environment that enables employees to achieve greater work-life balance while ensuring individual productivity and that departmental operational requirements are fulfilled.
Hours of Work July 29, 2021 Set out standard hours of work and ensure the consistent administration of working hours.
Job Development and Evaluation January 1, 2024 Outline processes for job description development and job evaluation that determines the classification of a position in the Legislative Assembly Administration's compensation framework.
Learning and Development June 26, 2023 Provide employees with learning and development opportunities to develop critical skills and competencies in fulfillment of organizational strategic priorities.
Leaves June 26, 2023 Set out paid and unpaid leave available to employees that are in addition to or beyond the minimum requirements set out in Part 6 of the Employment Standards Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 113).
Occupational Health and Safety May 26, 2021 Outline the key responsibilities that promote a healthy and safe work environment for employees and prevent occupational illnesses and injuries.
Overtime October 19, 2022 Ensure that overtime hours and related provisions are administered consistently, recorded, and compensated accurately.
Progressive Discipline May 21, 2021 Establish a fair and consistent progressive discipline framework that outlines the Legislative Assembly's expectations for employee performance and conduct, identifies processes and actions that may be taken to address disciplinary matters, and provides employees with the opportunity to improve their peformance or conduct.
Recruitment, Selection and Onboarding July 10, 2023 Outline the framework used to recruit and select the best qualified candidates for employment within the Legislative Assembly Administration in a fair, equitable and transparent manner and to outline the types of temporary appointment opportunities.
Remote Work September 10, 2020 Support remote work arrangements that contribute to greater work-life balance, promote inclusivity, enhance sustainability, and enable operational continuity.
Respectful Workplace March 12, 2018 Achieve a respectful workplace by identifying roles and responsibilities for preventing and addressing incidents of bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence within the Legislative Assembly.
Retirement Allowance March 24, 2021 Reward eligible long-serving Legislative Assembly employees with a retirement allowance benefit.
Salary Administration June 19, 2023 Ensure salary administration decisions are applied consistently and transparently across the Legislative Assembly Administration. 
Standards of Conduct June 24, 2024 Outlines the principles, values and expected behaviours that guide employees of the Legislative Assembly and the conduct expected of employees in all activities related to their employment.
Statutory and Observed Holidays April 5, 2023 Set out statutory and observed holidays and the payment eligibility for Legislative Assembly employees.
Uniform September 18, 2024 Outline the requirements for the provision, maintenance and use of uniforms for employees of the Legislative Assembly.
Vacation November 2, 2022 Provide a consistent application of vacation entitlement, scheduling and carryover for all employees of the Legislative Assembly.
Policy Name Effective Date Objective
Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources February 2, 2022 Ensure that the Legislative Assembly's information technology resources are safeguarded and used appropriately while protecting the privacy, confidentiality, and security of the Legislative Assembly's information.  
Information Security May 7, 2024 Protect the integrity, availability, confidentiality, and security of Legislative Assembly information and Legislative Assembly IT resources through the establishment of information security requirements, principles, and processes to mitigate risks and safeguard information.
Information Technology Resource Allocation November 15, 2021 Outline the allocation, replacement, and repair of information technology resources to ensure that users are equipped with requisite information technology resources in a cost-effective manner. 


Members' Policy Suite

Policies applicable to Members of the Legislative Assembly, caucuses, and constituency offices are consolidated on the Members' Guide to Policy and Resources website.

Policy Accountability

On an annual basis, the Legislative Assembly Management Committee receives a Policy Development Work Plan as an information item, to gain awareness of policies flagged for development or review. The 2024-25 Work Plan is available here.

Policy Enquiries

For additional information regarding the Legislative Assembly's policy suite, please contact:     

Office of the Clerk  
Legislative Assembly of British Columbia  
Phone: 250-387-3785  