The Virtual Speaker in the Schools Program encourages students to engage in democracy and consider contributing to their communities by becoming parliamentarians when they grow up.
The Honourable Raj Chouhan, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, will meet with students from across British Columbia for a 45 minutes virtual classroom session. The Speaker encourages all young people to become engaged in democracy and parliamentary process.
After a short introduction to the work of the Legislature, the Speaker is pleased to participate in an open Q&A with the students Classes are encouraged to send in three questions in advance of the virtual visit to get the Q&A started and then individual students are encouraged to come up to the computer's microphone/camera and pose their queries directly to Mr. Speaker. It is an illuminating session with the students posing thoughtful questions.
The objectives of the program are to:
- introduce the students to the role of the Legislative Assembly in our democratic system of governance;
- introduce the students to the role of the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly;
- encourage the students to think about how they can be involved in our provincial democratic institution;
- role play a provincial debate in their classroom (for in person visits only);
- promote the BC Teachers’ Institute on Parliamentary Democracy to classroom teachers; and,
- introduce the teachers to the many Parliamentary Education Office educational resources available for teaching democracy in their classrooms.
Explore How a Bill Becomes a Law or learn about the role of the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia.
For more information on this program, please email
The learning outcomes support the following Big Ideas from the new social studies curriculum:
- Canadian institutions and government reflect the challenge of our regional diversity
- Systems of government vary in their respect of human rights and freedoms
- Increasingly complex societies required new systems of laws and government
The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly is pleased to resume in-classroom visits where he will share his first-hand knowledge with students and lead them in a model parliament exercise. Students explore how a bill becomes a law through this fun and engaging simulation. Bills are debated on topics of their choosing, such as the construction of a new skating rink, reduction of daily homework or the provision of iPads for all students. The students are provided with costumes and role play the various positions within the House to conduct a bill debate.
The hour long, in-person program is filled with laughter and excitement as students assume various roles including Speaker, Clerk, Sergeant-at-Arms, and Members of the Legislative Assembly. Together, the class debates a bill from introduction to royal assent. Educational resources supporting the learning outcomes are provided to the teacher along with follow-up activities for the students.
“It is such a joy to meet with students from across the province. They are so full of enthusiasm with so many great questions. It is truly a pleasure to share with them how they too can be involved in our democratic system in BC and become actively engaged with their community.”
The Honourable Raj Chouhan, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
Feedback from Schools and Students
"Thank you very much for the wonderful experience. I have spoken to many of the students and they all thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and learned a great deal. In fact, we began our music class this morning with "Pray be seated!"
Coquitlam Principal
"I enjoyed hearing about the path that led you to this role and how your passion for education influenced you."
Grade 10 Student
"I think it is really nice how you gave us a booklet to teach us in a fun way."
Grade 5 Student
"I liked how he really thought about his answers - they weren't fabricated."
Grade 8 Student
"He really seemed like he cared about our questions."
Grade 8 Student