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Legislative Assembly Management Committee


​The Legislative Assembly Management Committee was established in 1992 with the enactment of the Legislative Assembly Management Committee Act.  The all-party Committee's powers are derived from the Legislative Assembly, which delegates the management of its affairs to the Committee.  As a parliamentary management board, the Committee's powers and duties relate to developing policies for the administration and financial management of the Legislative Assembly in support of Members' parliamentary and constituency responsibilities.

The Committee is responsible for:

  • the sound administration of the Assembly's operations; 
  • the provision of effective administrative and financial policies and support for the Assembly's Members in the discharge of their parliamentary and constituency responsibilities; and 
  • prudent Assembly budgets and expenditures on behalf of all British Columbians.

The Committee consists of the following Members of the Legislative Assembly:  the Speaker, who serves as Chair, the Government House Leader, the chair of the Government Caucus, a cabinet minister, the Opposition House Leader, and the chair of the Opposition Caucus. Recent practice has been to appoint the Government Whip in place of a minister.

Terms of Reference

Contact Information

Legislative Assembly Management Committee
c/o Office of the Clerk
Room 221, Parliament Buildings
Victoria, BC V8V 1X4

Phone: 250-387-3785
Fax: 250-387-0942


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